Restoring the Feminine:

The Book Club 

A Sisterhood for Women Discovering The Feminine

Join the Sisterhood


I'm Elizabeth. My feminine awakening began in Spring of 2015 with postpartum depression following the birth of my first daughter. Through the chaos of mental health issues for a few years, The Feminine did what is does so well: it destroyed my false identities, with love, and put me back in alignment with my True Self. 

Since this Initiation into the Feminine, I have sought Her through living in Costa Rica for seven months, sacred plant medicines, and reading LOTS of books by inspired, feminine-awakened WOMEN!

I have felt called upon to restore The Feminine. I want to surround myself with other women for whom it feels a major priority to embrace the Feminine in themselves and around them, as I know this will heal us and the planet.



to the Feminine

You are called to the Feminine. In this land of forced masculine, the Earth needs your Feminine codes expressed--brought out of their dormancy--and put into the balance of this earth.

You may have sensed this already, Sister... but becoming in touch with your Feminine Divine Energies will change you. It will change your relationships, and your whole existence.

This 'book club' is more of a sisterhood of women reclaiming and committing to discovering the Feminine in them.

If you join us, be prepared for an initiation into your most authentic Self. The Feminine all around and within you is ready to express its potent alchemy and rebalance humanity, starting within you, sister.


Topics We Will Explore

  • Goddess culture 
  • Colonialism and Christianity and its impact on paganism and the feminine psyche
  • Patriarchy 
  • The Feminine Divine
  • Feminine Archetypes (Wild Woman, Witch, Krone, Creatrix, etc.)
  • Women's Sexuality
  • Cycle Syncing
  • The Dark Feminine 
  • Feminine Awakening 
  • and so much more!

Image Credit: Mathilde Cinq Mars. Check out her Etsy Shop!



"Women Who Run With the Wolves" by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

*Yes we already did our first call to Initiate and begin the book, but it is RECORDED! So when you join you will receive that sacred replay, which is SO potent. You will hear your fellow book club sisters and their longings, doubts, and yearnings to bring out and live true to their Inner Wild Woman...

Welcome to the work!
Our next call to wrap up and review October's book will be Weds. Nov 29th... so you've got time, boo!
Join Us, Sister!

About The Book

Within every woman there lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species. For though the gifts of wildish nature belong to us at birth, society’s attempt to “civilize” us into rigid roles has muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls.

Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés unfolds rich intercultural myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and stories, many from her own traditions, in order to help women reconnect with the fierce, healthy, visionary attributes of this instinctual nature. Through the stories and commentaries in this remarkable book, we retrieve, examine, love, and understand the Wild Woman, and hold her against our deep psyches as one who is both magic and medicine.

Dr. Estés has created a new lexicon for describing the female psyche. Fertile and life-giving, it is a psychology of women in the truest sense; a knowing of the soul. 

Get the Book

How It Will Work 


  • One two-hour live zoom gathering per month, a kick-off call to set intentions & introduce the upcoming month’s book, and a review call to process and discuss our book from the past month.  
  • Daily (be as passive or as active as you’d like) Marco Polo chat group to intimately stay connected and share in sisterhood as we move through the book. (This is a really special, life-changing energy to be a part of and a huge aspect of The Sisterhood.) 


Monthly Calls are on zoom, but oh how we wish to gather in person! We may spontaneously get together in person as possible. This will be in addition to our zoom call if so. 
 Monthly Call Includes:
  • Feminine-flow of intuition and intention; 
  • A light, guided meditation relevant to our book’s themes, —open and gently structured discussion of the book
  • Ends with a spiritual dedication to integrating the book's lessons into our lives.

 Book 15 minutes with me here if you want to know more, or just to connect/meet/say hi!


If you are uncomfortable with intuitive direction, with expressing love to the Divine Feminine, or with powerful spiritual connection, this is not the group for you.



"Lusting to read a good book" 

Here are the upcoming 4 books we will lust after together:


Oct 25-Nov 29

"Women Who Run With the Wolves"
By Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés 

Call Dates: 
kick off: Wed. Oct 25th
review: Wed. Nov 29th

6 pm Pacific |  7 pm Mountain | 8 pm Central | 9 pm Eastern

Dec 6-Jan 3

"Mary Magdeline Revealed"
By Meggan Watterson

Call Dates: 
kick off: Wed. Dec 6th
review: Wed. Jan 3rd

6 pm Pacific | 7 pm Mountain | 8 pm Central | 9 pm Eastern

Jan 10-Feb 13

By Glennon Doyle

Call Dates: 
kick off: Wed. Jan 10
review: *Tues. Feb 13

6 pm Pacific | 7 pm Mountain | 8 pm Central | 9 pm Eastern

Feb 21-Mar 20

"Come As You Are"
By Emily Nagoski, Ph.D.

Call Dates: 
kick off: Wed. Feb 21
review: Wed. Mar 20

6 pm Pacific | 7 pm Mountain | 8 pm Central | 9 pm Eastern

Click on the images below to purchase the books. 

What's Special About This Group?


 Everyone here is not only paying to be here, but is in an energetic exchange that draws them deeply into this space. This is not for surface-level relationships. We go deeply within.

Just being in the presence of other Awakened Women will set a spiritual blueprint for you to expand into.

Your Feminine in you will blossom as she is with the Feminine of others!

It is safe here to explore parts of ourselves we haven't known before.


Elizabeth will include exercises to digest, integrate and pace the flow of the Feminine here. 


You will shine the light of consciousness ever more deeply on the Feminine Aspects in you ready to be set free.

You will set your sons and daughters free of patriarchal conditioning as you examine it in this safe space.

You will become more emboldened as a woman and find it easier to advocate for yourself in marriage, friendship, partnership--with negotiating your dreams and desires with The Universe and your Scared Parts.

You will be lead by someone who is trauma-informed, and who understands the generational and gender-ational wounds we carry as women. Elizabeth can guide you through intense emotions should they arise.

Join Us Here, Sister



The Feminine initiates....

One Month

$50 One Time

  • One-Hour Kick-off Call
  • Two-Hour Book Review Call
  • 1 Month & 1 Book Discussed
  • Marco Polo Sisterhood for the month
  • QUALITY new friends for life!

**Each book group is a separate purchase. Come back here each month you wish to participate.


Monthly Subscription


  • One-Hour Kick-off Call each month
  • Two-Hour Book Review Call each month
  • Access to each month's Marco Polo Sisterhood, don't have to re-join or re-purchase
  • QUALITY new friends for life!

**Choose this option if you don't want to manually pay each month. You will be auto-charged each month instead.


**The book is not included in the purchase.**



You do not have to finish the book!!

 This is a FEMININE book club.

This means we focus on energetic and spiritual growth, NOT physical completion.

I will read the book, those who can will read, and whether or not you read is up to you!

Your energy, questions, curiosity and spirit will contribute with our without 'finishing' the entire book.

So... if you feel called, know that the energy of our Marco Polo group + attending one or both live calls will likely be ALL you need!

Reading the book is a cherry on top.

Come as you are!

Join Us, Sister!


Here's everything you need to know!

About Me, 
Elizabeth Langston

Three human beings who know me well, have gifted me with the compliment that I have one of the most Feminine energies they've ever known. It feels a little weird to share this, but I do at times feel like something I was born to do, was to Restore and Reclaim the Feminine in these times.

After my mental health initiations, 2016-2022, I was shown that my mental wellbeing hinges on my ability to and commitment to live the fullest expression of me. And to do this in a masculine world, I must dedicate energy and space to excavating The Feminine in me.

Below is a poem I wrote that describes my journey of Feminine Awakening. I hope you enjoy, and I do hope you will join the sisterhood if it feels right. ...Remember, even if you're just a fly on the wall and aren't able to participate fully, the container can change and transform you. That is the way of the Feminine. 

About Page



Writing is a healing modality for me. Enjoy this poem written by yours truly.

Dear Patriarchy

By Elizabeth Langston

I wanted to be a nice girl

Until I learned that you killed my sisters 

I enjoyed being a quiet girl

Until I learned that you took their voices

I wanted to be a compliant healer

Until I learned that you overtook women’s healing arts

I wanted to turn the other cheek 

Until I saw so many women hurting and frozen under your grip, I couldn’t look away.

I wanted to be a domestic woman, 

Until I learned my feminine ancestors were domesticated.

I wanted to be a clean woman 

Until I realized my sensuality is Holy.

I didn’t want to disrupt anything

Until I learned how disrupted my matriarchal line has been

I was willing to do what you told me 

Until I was shown my Inner Temple and Authority

I didn’t want to be disobedient

Until I realized that disobedient women are behind some of the greatest freedoms we know today—

I tried. 

I tried to stay out of the way. 

I did. 

I cleared myself of all magic and powerful yearnings

I dedicated my Self to domestic identity

But then the Goddess came to me... 

She came into my home full of pregnancy and babies 

And She wrecked into my Mind. 

She stole all my perfectly stacked identities 

And she whispered to me while I slept, “You are Wild.”

When I awoke one day from Motherhood, I saw: this is not all of me. 

I felt the Missing of my Pieces. 

Depression ensued. (Depression is the Initiation of the Goddess.)

–There were ambulances 

There were new homes and letting go of old friends

There was darkness, 

Then a splash, 

And a Rebirth

Of Me. 


Priestess of the Cave 

Awakener of Women

On Mission for the Goddess

To Heal the Feminine in All Beings. 


I slaved for you in religious callings. 

And Now, I demand that my Women be set free. 

I am opening their cages 

I am unclipping their magic wings 

They are unfurling their beauty and sexual selves 

They are showing their shoulders. 

I am torturing those organizations who tortured Woman

Who stuffed her wild parts so far back into Her psyche, the collective ‘She’ almost forgot them. 

But I won’t let the women forget. 

‘Woman’ may be Endangered, but she cannot and will not be Extinct. 

Because Woman is a heartbeat, a living thing

She is alive inside every woman

And the Goddess is awakening Woman, the full spectrum of woman, 

Through visions, dreams, night wakings, depression, havoc and chaos

Women are being Reborn into Feminine Ways. 

I call my Pagan ancestors up from their graves

To teach me of their ways.

I am Restoring the magikal, 


psychic gifts of women.

You. Should. Be. Scared.

 I can't wait to study together!